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Freedom of Information Act Requests

Your request should be directed to the following individual:

Janet Clark - FOIA Officer,  Malta Township Public Library

  • ​Requests for commercial purposes must be identified as such.
  • Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you are seeking.
  • Please tell us whether you would like the records in paper or electronic format or whether you want to schedule a time to view them in person.
  • There is no charge for the first 50 pages of black and white text either letter or legal size. There is a $.15 per page charge for copied records in excess of 50 pages. The actual copying cost of color copies and other sized copies will be charged.
  • If the records are kept in electronic format, you may request a specific format and if feasible, they will be so provided, but if not, they will be provided either in the electronic format in which they are kept (and you will be required to pay the actual cost of the medium only, i.e. disc, diskette, tape, etc.) or in paper as you select.
  • The office will respond to a written request within five business days if possible.  An extension of an additional five working days may be necessary to properly respond.